There is an ongoing debate whether or not dieting should be done only once or several times a year. The basic premise for a diet is that you restrict the amount of calories and fat that you take in so that you lose weight. Most diet plans are designed around a particular time frame, such as one week, two weeks, six weeks, or even a month.
This plan works great if you can stay on it and if your goal is to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. The question however is, if the restriction of food is still effective if the person then turns back to their old eating habits and gets hungry again. Dieting plans are generally based around the reduction of some of the most important macronutrient (carbs, fats, and proteins) which make up the majority of what a person eats and are required for energy. So how does the human body to process these nutrients if calories have been severely restricted?
In recent years, there has been a new development in the area of diet and nutrition. This is known as the Paleolithic or caveman diet. Unlike the more popular diets where you limit your intake of carbs, fats, and protein, this diet aims to increase the intake of these nutritional groups. In fact, the cavemen ate such things as nuts, seeds, fruits, fish, roots, stems, and vegetables. Modern diets are usually much less healthy when compared to what they were in the Stone Age.
So how do these diets work? The concept behind them is that since our diets contain significantly less of some nutrients, we must compensate for this by increasing the amount of others. For example, in most diets, one of the largest adjustments is the reduction or elimination of dairy products. This is because dairy products are relatively low in certain nutrients, like calcium and magnesium, that we need to build strong bones and teeth. By replacing them with meat, nuts, eggs, or even vegetables, dieters are allowed to receive the same amount of dietary calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients that they could receive from dairy products.
The problem with these fad diets is that people often lose weight without changing their eating habits. It is very difficult to make any kind of lasting change without changing your entire way of life. Most experts agree that it is usually much easier to lose 10 pounds than it is to lose 100. Therefore, if you make an effort to change your eating habits, but you are still unsuccessful, the fad diet may not be the right option for you.
When used in conjunction with weight management techniques and regular exercise, diets that reduce carbohydrates can have a beneficial effect on your health. However, these diets are not for everyone. Only people with extremely severe insulin resistance and type II diabetes should use them. In addition, the low-carbohydrate diets usually restrict certain foods such as fats, cholesterol, and processed carbohydrates. Therefore, if you suffer from high cholesterol, diabetes, or other conditions, you should consult your doctor before introducing any kind of diet that lowering carbohydrates to lose weight.